In-Home and Virtual Consultations

Virtual Design Consultation

Unlock your home’s potential with our "One on One" personalized design consultation service. In just 60 minutes, you'll embark on a creative journey with MJ. MJ will guide you through the initial phases of our comprehensive design process, helping you create a vision for your space and providing expert insights on design, color choices, and material selection.

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Note: Upon purchase you will be sent a scheduling link and welcome form requesting project information and providing details on how to get the most out of your consultation by submitting pictures, plans, or ideas.

In Home Design Consultation

Take your design consultation in home and meet with MJ in your home to work through the initial phases of our design process.

Price: Dependent on Time & Location

What is a Virtual COnsultation?

Uncovering Your Story

At MJ Coyle Home, your design journey begins with us listening to and understanding your unique story. Through a comprehensive lifestyle assessment, we delve into your daily routines, preferences, and essential needs. We take the time to explore your aesthetic preferences, unraveling your design style, color choices, and texture preferences. Additionally, our initial space analysis helps us gain a deep understanding of the specific area you envision transforming into your dream space.

Crafting the Possibilities

With a solid grasp of your story, we move forward to craft the possibilities that align with your vision. Our design exploration phase involves brainstorming a range of design options and layout possibilities, all based on your preferences and our meticulous space analysis. Alongside this, we provide you with an initial budget overview, giving you a clear understanding of the financial considerations for your design project.

Fine Tuning your Vision

Fine-tuning your vision is where we bring your dream space one step closer to reality. We work closely with you to refine your design vision, making adjustments, and discussing custom solutions that perfectly align with your unique requirements. Our expert team provides invaluable insights into material choices, color palettes, and how to breathe life into your vision. We assist you in solidifying your design plans, selecting specific materials, and ensuring that your space is a true reflection of your style and preferences.

How it Works?

Book Your Session

Choose a convenient time slot for your 60-minute consultation.

Share Information

Before the session, provide us with basic information about your space and design preferences.

Interactive Consultation

During the session, collaborate with MJ as he guides you through the initial design phases.

Personalized Recommendations

Receive expert recommendations, design insights, and a clearer vision for your project.